Saturday, June 28, 2008

2nd round of pics from the U.S.


Anonymous said...

im glad you didnt include my look of shock picture from brendan's graduation

Anonymous said...

and who was shocked that Brendan graduated??

Brendan's Mom

Anonymous said...

BTW: the pics are GREAT!!!

love, mom xo

Anonymous said...

Chris...Glad the blong is back..keep in touch... love the pictures.. ...

Anonymous said...

Stay focus on your goals and long term plans and forget about the incident as stuff happens and remember to use commom sense. Your goals are more important. -Dad

Anonymous said...

i feel so special that the picciuca sisters got a pic and mention! but can't believe i wasn't invited on the bcbs outing...go figure! hope all is well and you are enjoying being back in china! -laura

Anonymous said...

oh and i forgot to comment on the new hair do...whoa!! :-)