Well, I finally saw it. I knew one of these days it would happen. And, Saturday, as I was walking home from Best Buy with Melissa, we saw a chicken get killed. It was at the market about a block from my house. I’ve been astonished with how they handle the chickens here, selling them live and in the open. If "guaranteed fresh" is your thing, come to Shanghai.
So, we’re walking down the market street and a guy wants to buy a chicken. The shop owner, a woman in her 40s, pulls the chickens out one-by-one and weighs them. This is not done out in the open, but it isn't exactly hidden either. They flap around quite a bit as they’re jostled from the cage. But when they’re placed on the scale, they barely move. Meanwhile, I’m thinking – “This is your chance to get away, chief. Just fly out of here!” But oddly, they just lay there.
So, we’re walking down the market street and a guy wants to buy a chicken. The shop owner, a woman in her 40s, pulls the chickens out one-by-one and weighs them. This is not done out in the open, but it isn't exactly hidden either. They flap around quite a bit as they’re jostled from the cage. But when they’re placed on the scale, they barely move. Meanwhile, I’m thinking – “This is your chance to get away, chief. Just fly out of here!” But oddly, they just lay there.
The owner weighs a couple chickens until the guy decides. You can guess what happened next. Yep. She pulls the chicken’s head back, slits its throat, and puts it in a 15-gallon bucket with a lid. The bucket begins flapping around. I wish I could tell you more, but we split about a minute later. This probably goes down as one of the more morbid, bizarre scenes I've witnessed in my time here.
Stumbled in and just wanted to say hi. How interesting this post is. I often wish we had such things in America, I do like everything fresh.
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Chris....I've never seen that happen, but have a feeling if I wanted to, I could. You see, @ 7th and Dickinson, in S. Philly, the store there has live chickens in cages outside. I always knew what their fate was, but this brings it home :(
love, mom xo
I always knew you had a soft heart for animals, especially when you used to come over and give the evil, yet loving, look to Duke. We all miss you here, Chris. The # of times that people ask me "HAVE YOU TALKED TO CHRIS TODAY" has gone down to about 3x/hour.
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