Sunday, July 06, 2008

A bit hot

It was 87 degrees with 90% humidity today…….at 2 a.m. I took a pee three days ago and haven't had to go since. That’s how rotten it is here.

My t-shirts are soaked. I’ve involuntarily lost five pounds and have considered walking around with an umbrella like the Shanghainese ladies. It is ridiculous. Last winter, I kept hearing stories about the brutal snow storms and ice everyone was experiencing in Philly and especially Chicago. All the while, it never got below 20 in Shanghai and now it is payback. As we speak, says the temp here is 99 and it feels like 107. Agreed.

To top it all off, there's a nice blanket of smog to coat the air like whip cream covering a chocolate sundae. Delicious. I feel like I'm in a microwave. The sun cooks the city and everyone I work with keeps talking about how it’s almost 40 degrees out. I try to trick myself that they’re talking about Fahrenheit, but then I remember that I’ve been in saunas cooler than this. So, if it's hot where you are, click on this link and just say to yourself: I'm not as hot as Chris (and I never will be).


Eleanor Armstrong said...

Chris....and to think I talked you out of interviewing in Arizona in 2001; that must look like heaven about now....LOL

love, mom xo

doyoutri said...

just like home.....


Anonymous said...

take an umbrella without thingking:)
hehe, 好热, 真的被烤熟了.